Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences — Adolescence Education English concentration

SUNY Adirondack's Liberal Arts Humanities and Social Sciences concentration in Adolescence Education — English transforms students into educators. This program incorporates introductory teacher-preparation courses with English requirements. Students learn skills in topic-specific courses valuable to eventual careers in education.

Associate in Arts
Program Type
Transfer Degree
Humanities and Social Sciences

Learning outcomes

  1. Develop sufficient background in English discipline to qualify for upper-level study.
  2. Demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed to think critically.
  3. Employ effective communication skills, both written and verbal.
  4. Articulate the presence and influence of diversity within societies such as the United States and those in Western Europe, as well as throughout the world.
  5. Demonstrate the skills and knowledge related to personal health and fitness, lifelong sports and recreational wellness.
  6. Examine expression and the creative process in one or more of the areas of humanities.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method.
  8. Identify basic factors relevant to the analysis of human behavior.

Curriculum and requirements

This program prepares students for an eventual career in English education or an English-related field. The course sequence meets requirements for the Humanities and Social Science English concentration, while incorporating additional introductory teacher-preparation courses.  

Degree requirements and sample schedule

Program sheet

The next steps

SUNY Adirondack's Adolescence Education — English concentration prepares graduates for further education. Students can take their learned skills straight into a relevant field.

A student delivers a presentation during an English course

Transfer opportunities

Popular transfer institutions for this program include: SUNY Plattsburgh | SUNY Oswego | University at Albany

SUNY ADK advantage


average salary

of secondary school teachers in New York state


average salary

of educational, guidance and career counselors and advisors in New York state

Careers in Adolescence Education English

Our professors

Robert Faivre

  • Professor of English
  • Coordinator of Assessment for the English Division
Associate Professor of English Donna Hayles

Donna E. Hayles

  • Associate professor of English
  • Member of Diversity Committee
Assistant Professor of English Krista Rivera

Krista Rivera

  • Assistant professor of English
  • Advisor of The Forest Bathing Book Club
Distinguished Professor of English Nancy White

Nancy White

  • Distinguished professor of English
  • English Division chair